White House Press Secretary faces ire for bizarre reply over Biden’s refusal to tackle US-Mexico border crisis

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As the US-Mexico border crisis has taken a centre stage in 2024 presidential elections, White House Press Secretary defended incumbent President Joe Biden for denying to use executive powers to deal with the issue.

In a press conference, Karine Jean-Pierre, the 49-year-old press secretary, admitted on Wednesday that Biden possesses the authority to put an end to the ever-increasing immigration crisis, but she surprisingly responded, “Why should he?”

After taking office, Biden issued 94 executive measures to overturn Donald Trump’s border policy, but he has not implemented any while the number of migrants has increased.

Jean-Pierre appeared perplexed when asked why Biden isn’t taking any initiative when he has the power to do do.

“Why should he have to do it unilaterally? Why shouldn’t we do it in a legislative way?” she reacted.

Jean-Pierre remained on the defensive, claiming that while Biden has taken numerous unilateral moves in the past, a legislative solution is required to address what is happening at the border.

She went on to say that the Biden administration has been able to advance several legislation in a bipartisan manner during the last three and a half years.

“The President is clear about where he stands – he believes we are a nation of immigrants and a nation of laws. We can expand lawful immigration pathways and ensure the United States remains a beacon of hope and opportunity,” she wrote in a post on X.

Karine Jean-Pierre faces online mockery
Following her post on X, Jean-Pierre was quickly mocked online, with Trump’s senior aide Jason Miller tweeting, “3-D chess from KJP right here.”

“No chance [fellow White House spokesman John] Kirby would have been smart enough to shift the blame to others and act as though Joe Biden wasn’t the sitting President of the United States,” Miller wrote, ridiculing Kirby and Jean-Pierre.

“This is why KJP will remain in place as Press Secretary!”

“Joe Biden doesn’t need a bill to secure the border. He could use Executive Orders. He used them to undo Trump’s orders that secured the border. The proposed border bill allows 1.8 million illegals in a year,” one X user responded.

“That’s as bad as now. Deport all illegals and close the border,” he added.

“Biden has betrayed America. Not arguable,” another user wrote.

A third user chimed in, “We are a nation of immigrants. We have immigration laws. Apparently, this administration thinks letting everyone and anyone in is lawful immigration. Explain please how these people are lawful immigrants. They are ILLEGAL ALIENS!”

Will Biden take any action?
Meanwhile, NY POST reported that Biden is planning to issue an executive order to close the US-Mexico border if migrant crossings exceed 4,000 per day.

After the border crisis erupted in 2021 during his first year in office, Biden utilised his powers to unilaterally remove Trump’s “Remain in Mexico” policy, which obliged most asylum claimants to stay south of the border while US immigration courts examined their claims of persecution.

A record illegal immigrants were detained for crossing the southern border In fiscal year 2023, which concluded September 30.

Following his arrest for supposedly failing to protect the border, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas claimed in January that over 85% of those apprehended for unlawfully crossing the border were being allowed into the United States.

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